Did you know our eyes need full-spectrum blue light during the day to support our circadian rhythm? This helps us wake and sleep at the proper times. However, we get inundated with the wrong blue from indoor lighting that can make us feel tired and wired. Our eyes need the blue sky blue to relax and energize us and to let us know it is day time.

Being indoors too much can hinder your circadian rhythm and cause sleeping problems. Just stepping outside and letting the blue sky blue enter your eyes creates wonderful communication for your brain and can calm you. How often have you just craved being outside under the sunny sky and just feeling good? Why do we crave that beach atmosphere so much? Why do we need to just look out over a beautiful, colorful lake or ocean?

We also need to catch that sunset at night that is so valued in our hearts. We go on vacation and plan to see the sunset. We are at the beach and just know we won’t go home till we watch that sunset. Why is this? These are rituals we have developed because they support our health and we feel right, good and alive. The red colors are important at the end of the day. Seeing the reds, pinks and oranges at sunset supports the end of the blue sky day and our wake cycle to settling down and beginning our sleep cycle. Our eyes have melanopsin receptors to collect this light. This is communication to our brain through our eyes.

Our eyes need that differential between blue and red to let our body know what time it is and to support our circadian rhythm so we can sleep well at night. We value these colors and yet this information isn’t common knowledge. Even catching the sunrise has special magic to us to start the day. These are special times we all honor in our soul. You can’t get those colors inside your house with standard lighting (although they have been developed). We need to be outside, rising with the sun and early to bed after sunset. When we do this more regularly we get into a better sleep rhythm and support our stress and innate immune system.

Just before writing this my eyes began hurting while using my cellphone and using bad indoor lighting. As my eyes continued to hurt, I got really tired and needed to lie down. But I put on my blue light blocker glasses, the pain went away, and I began to write this newsletter. I wanted to tell you about my Blue Sky day.

On this hike I felt truly wonderful. Here it is early June, I went on a long 8 mile hike under very blue, sunny skies and felt right at home, comfortable, feeling I could be outside the whole day. Everywhere I looked there were magnificent colors, spring flowers and a very blue sky. I let these colors into my eyes and I don’t wear sunglasses. I felt great. This Is Relaxation and a good way to destress your mind and body. I am addicted to hiking, walking and being outside under colorful skies. There is no better remedy for lifting your mood and decluttering your mind.

What can you do and where can you go to get the sky blue into your eyes and heart? Don’t be inside all day. Find that time to be outside even for a one mile walk to set that proper blue color into your eyes, to just wander outside and wake up and feel alive, to just sit outside or eat outside and feel healthier for it. One of my favorite things is eating in outdoor patios at restaurants. It is so much more relaxing than being indoors. Another favorite is picnics, esp. at state and national parks. Let me know where your favorite place is or your favorite activity that brings peace to your heart and color to your eyes. Be healthy body and mind.
Age Successfully! Be Vibrant!
Lori Balue, A-CFHC, FDN-P
This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about functional health and nutrition and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not medical advice. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgement. For my full Disclaimer, please go to my website loribalue.com.