When “HIDDEN” stressors and imbalances of stress are not resolved they then cascade into other areas of the body creating “Metabolic Chaos®️,”  Reed Davis, FDN-P. This process will cause serious dysfunction which then leads to disease further down the road. The symptoms we deal with daily are indicators of this process. These symptoms are shown in hormone dysregulation, depressed immune system, digestion problems, detoxification and the imbalances of energy and nervous systems that may result in anxiety and depression.

one diagnoses: Metabolic Chaos®️
many symptoms and dysregulations

Everyone has metabolic individuality and develops stress related symptoms in different areas of the body. Stress leads to a loss of adaptive balance and homeostasis in our bodies. This process weakens our health and leads to symptoms over time often taking years to develop weakening our immune system. Do you wonder why after a certain age we don’t seem so resilient as we used to be?  I do and work to reduce this area in my life as it is the area I also need to become more resilient. If you are chasing symptoms of chronic stress, treating these symptoms only, will not correct the underlying problems that stress and the resulting cortisol dysregulation creates. 

Having studied Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN), I have come to a better understanding of the overall downward cascade of our health.  Ongoing daily stress may eventually create chronic stress when we lose the ability to balance it and get back into homeostasis. We become less resilient. This is where the symptoms of stress cascade into cortisol dysregulation.  “Symptoms May be far removed from the causal factors or stressors found upstream,” Reed Davis, FDN-P. 

Do you have adrenal fatigue (HPA Axis)?  (See the chart to check your symptoms)

Do you have symptoms of adrenal fatigue?

Our bodies have to compensate between good stress and bad stress. Overtime and through the years, we lose that resilience to get back into balance and then develop chronic stress without lifestyle interventions. What does chronic stress look like?:  weight gain with inflammatory fat that may increase estrogen, increases in blood sugar, appetite and food cravings, thyroid dysfunction, lowered immune system and increased inflammation, suppressed bone formation and bone loss, loss of muscle tone and mass, decreased hormones, lowered melatonin and sleep dysregulation which may increase the risk of gastrointestinal infections and infestations. These symptoms don’t really matter because they are all under the umbrella of Metabolic Chaos®️ You can’t treat just symptoms because more will just appear in other area of the body. So what do you do?

With lab tests we can determine your cortisol phase.

As FDNs, we don’t diagnose or treat symptoms to correct these imbalances. We do not treat anything specifically. We use lab testing to discover healing opportunities. As health detectives, we use the lab findings and do functional assessments and correlate with our clients. Depending on the adaptive phase and the symptoms of each client, we create an individualized “DRESS®️” protocol to create results. We support the whole person to reduce stress and dis-ease. With a 90-day holistic health rebuilding protocol we help our clients return to health naturally and resolve their main complaints or get very close to it. As our clients return to good health, their vitality and happiness return.  Are you worth an investment?

Why chase health symptoms for years which may continue to worsen over time into disease?  Address your health today. As an FDN, I can help the able who want better results to change and create better health and a happier lifestyle. What lifestyle are you choosing?  I am a Certified FDN-P. Don’t wait to rediscover your health. Email me today for your “on-boarding to health” discovery consultation at loribalue@gmail.com

Age Successfully! Be Vibrant!

Lori Balue, A-CFHC, FDN-P

“I walk the talk” walk with me into health.