It’s taken me a lifetime to find my health. At 57 I am on no medications, my weight is under control, I have no pain, and my brain is turned on with no brain fog or headaches. With diet and a holistic lifestyle I can claim good flexibility, go for long hikes and start a business from my home which will allow me a more relaxed lifestyle with the ability to manage my stress, travel and work to help others as I support myself. This is my dream job for my life and future. What am I doing?

When I found out about Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) I didn’t hesitate to add in another year of education to improve myself and my knowledge and add choices into my business model. The concept of functional diagnostic nutrition was what I needed for my own journey and for my future. What I love about it is that I can help others on their health Journeys as well. It is my passion. I have been reading and studying and self educating myself in nutrition for over 25 years. What I do best is what I can turn into my business; helping others uncover their health problems as a health detective. Now I have the tools and a tribe of health detectives along with me.  Support is part of stress reduction and managing metabolic chaos. 

my road to successful health
zion half marathon

When I was younger, unhealthily, chasing symptoms, sad, and depressed I couldn’t have imagined where I would be now. I went to doctors as we all do to manage my allergies—that didn’t do anything but keep my immune system suppressed. They were still there and plagued me constantly. I had bronchitis and sinusitis regularly at first but as I became more educated I was able to get them to be seasonally only. Now they are minimal and there no longer is inflammation which created the mucus and sinusitis and bronchitis. After five years plus free from this I can throw out the breathing machine I had needed yearly to manage the asthma. I am not afraid of these symptoms and this disease any more.  I have won that battle. 

Here I am being strong and resilient as I trim my own trees! A Candid moment, wrinkles and all. Having bulletproof coffee to keep strong and motivated and active. Hiking my favorite trail at the Grandest Canyon on the Bright Angel trail. YOU CAN DO THIS!

I look back over family pictures and feel sad for the girl trapped in a body that didn’t feel good or look good. With messed up neurotransmitters and the lack of nutrition, she wasn’t optimally healthy. She wasn’t optimistic or joyful. Life was just taking the next step in front of her and hoping that someday things will get better. Her 30s were eventful and she found happiness in family, her children and traveling, but she never found a way out of the depression. Her 30s would be better and she’d be more slender. That’s when she’d find happiness. Her 40s came and still she chased this idea and her symptoms. While living life she’d persist with chasing ideas and her symptoms, lose weight and be hopeful but the underlying condition never changed. The neurotransmitters never improved. Her diet was constantly adjusted and managed but never worked to give her vitality, reduce anxiety and depression or help her be slim and healthy. She kept as active as she could with family duties and a full time job. Stress was the biggest constant. But stress is also the biggest contributor to metabolic chaos and chronic health. 

Enjoying family was my hope for my days. (In memorial for my sister, Cynthia (Cat Balue), who didn’t escape her metabolic chaos. I will preserve in health and find my joy and happiness. Thank you Bret, my first son, for giving me my hope and joy for life to persevere. You, Alexa and Scott are my hope and joy on my road to happiness and purpose. I couldn’t have come this far without my family to strive for vibrancy and to age Successfully. ❤️

Her 50s came and with biohacking and trying everything it started to pay off and life started to happen. Supplements supported relief care and the underlying conditions, diet improved and optimism returned. She was finding the way. Weight was coming off, anxiety and depression lifted, the fog and pain cleared. There wasn’t just hope in front of her but an actual pathway to health that she grabbed onto as a lifeline without fully understanding why. It just worked. She read, listened and puts ideas into practice. As her body was detoxing, melanoma developed but only once. The pain in her knees became a past memory. She became stronger emotionally and physically. Now she has a future and she has health. A better future and better health is now the goal. What did she do?

That was me. I rebuilt my health with a holistic diet and lifestyle program that I manage to stay healthy and for vitality. It’s my life in progress. Now, as a soon to be  Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner I am doing this as a business to help others change their health and live life fully without pain and disease. To have hope, joy and a happiness for their daily lives and into the future to be with family, enjoy walking, hiking and traveling and exploring life with optimism.

If you were to wave a magic wand? What would be your ideal life with optimal health?  What could you do that you can’t do now? How would you do this?  Who could help you?  

Let me tell you more how I and FDN can support you. 

FDN is functional diagnostic nutrition.  It is an emerging field and a growing body of work that bridges the gap between medical care and self-care.  We are that bridge.  FDN is not a medical approach.  There are no drugs or surgery. As FDN’s we do not treat anything specifically but everything nonspecifically.  We do not medicate. We EDUCATE.  As health detectives, we identify healing opportunities and underlying causes and give accountability and support where you need it with health coaching for 3 to 6 months. 

As FDNs, we apply wellness principles and work towards resolutions. We look at your history, metabolic and adrenal scores and main complaints and with lab testing results, we form impressions and correlate with you, as the client.  We look deep and investigate HIDDEN dysfunctions within the hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy and nervous systems, guide and direct your progress and course correct as needed.  We help you figure out what’s wrong and fix it, restoring your vital health.

With FDN we try to get the body back to 100% function or very close to it.  

Why chase symptoms of stress, depression, weight problems and dis-ease for a lifetime which may continue to worsen over time into disease?  Address your health today. Don’t spend a lifetime chasing symptoms and not being vital and joyful.  

Hike to the top of upper Yosemite Falls

As an FDN-P, I can help the able. FDN helps those who want quicker results change and create better health and a happier lifestyle in less time than if you do it alone. How much is this worth to you?  If you were to wave that magic wand, what lifestyle would you choose? Email me for your onboarding session so we can create and implement your own personalized holistic life rebuilding program today at

Age Successfully! Be Vibrant!

Lori Balue, FDN-P, A-CFHC

This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to you to educate you about functional health and nutrition and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not medical advice. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgement. For my full Disclaimer, please go to my website