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FUNCTIONAL DIAGNOSTIC NUTRITION® I use FDN principles and lab testing combined with functional health coaching to transform your health. I don’t treat anything specifically but everything nonspecifically. I use 3 to 6 diagnostic labs to uncover your weight loss blocks and healing opportunities. Schedule Your Health Adventure Strategy call today at

Schedule Your Health Adventure Strategy call today at

Email me at if you have any questions and If you feel Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® and lab testing could help you reach your healthy weight management goals to more vibrant living. Let’s talk! I am ready to work together with you to help you create your total transformation.

How it works

I’ll send you in-home tests to complete and ship back to the lab. Then I’ll get the results, analyze them and set up your personalized results & recommendation sessions about what is uncovered and your next steps to helping you reset your metabolism, your health and getting that weight loss you’ve been looking for. Your results are kept private and confidential.

Why you need this

Do you need life changing transformation?  Do you want to push the reset button on your health?  Do you have 20, 50, 100 or more pounds to lose but don’t know where to start? Are you tired of feeling sick and tired?  What if you had the energy to do what you want?   Health is the foundation.  Imagine your journey with new found health! 

How long would it take to fix the puzzle of your life by just one piece at a time?  FDNs provide the keys to help you actually get well and stay well, naturally!  

With Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®, I will dig deep into your symptoms with diagnostic testing.  We are health detectives.  We test don’t guess.  I will gather your health history, metabolic and adrenal symptoms and with diagnostic tests results, discover where your healing opportunities may be.  FDNs run functional lab work to help uncover HIDDEN stressors and dysfunctions that are keeping you sick in the hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy and nervous system.  

Once healing opportunities are identified through carefully selected labs and a thorough history, only then can individualized, time-honored natural protocols be recommended that will change how well the body functions and reduce metabolic dysfunction.  I will work to help you build up your immune system and reduce your risk for disease by optimizing your diet and helping you to reduce the stress in your life with health coaching in a personalized holistic health rebuilding program. We will address diet, sleep, exercise, stress and supplementation.  

As an FDN, I offer several holistic health rebuilding programs with functional labs. My programs includes a MRT food sensitivity test, Dutch hormone panel, and a Gut test. If you would like to see if we are a fit to work together to uncover your health and transform it, schedule Your Health Adventure Strategy call today at

If you had a magic wand, what would your life look like if you woke up tomorrow and didn’t have any symptoms?  What would life look like in 5 years if you did nothing? How would you like to feel and look in one year? This will be the most comprehensive investigation you’ve ever conducted into your health.  End the cycle of trial and error!

You may have heard of functional health coaching–It’s one of the fastest growing professions and prestigious medical institutions like the Cleveland and Mayo Clinics include health coaches on their care teams.


As a functional Health Coach I specialize in nutritional behavior change. I support my clients in finding their own strategies and motivation for change, overcoming obstacles, and implementing lifestyle change to reach their goals and visions for success. This is my passion as well as the journey I have been on.

I am here to empower & inspire you to make your choice for health. I work directly with my clients to support them 1:1 as they embrace those healthy lifestyle strategies that we co-create together. You will get amazing support as you need it.


The chronic disease epidemic is spreading. Six out of 10 adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease and 4 in 10 have 2 or more conditions. The majority of those chronic illnesses are caused by diet, lifestyle, and behavior–not genetics. Changing those lifestyle factors has the potential to prevent and reverse chronic disease on a large scale. With chronic illness, most care is self-care.

Even so, research shows us that change is difficult. In fact, only 6 percent of Americans engage in the top five health behaviors. There’s a lot of room for improvement, but that’s where health coaches come in.

As Your Functional Health Coach I will:

EMPOWER you to discover your own wisdom and strength so you can continue on your lifestyle journey on your own.
HELP you create solutions to problems so you get the success you are looking for now rather than in years.
SUPPORT you without judgement, with education and with resources to help you succeed.
HOLD you accountable to your goals and inspire you to stay motivated

Making real, lasting lifestyle and behavior changes isn’t a switch a person can simply flip. It takes ongoing effort and support. I’m there to support you along the way. As a Functional Health Coach, I work in partnership with my client who has the goal and does the work. As a Functional Health Coach, I facilitate our session by supporting your desired areas for change and growth related to your health and weight loss goals. If you are a women in menopause ready to lose weight and get out of pain to be active and age beautifully and adventurously, I help you get there with my 1:1 functional health coaching.

A functional health coach helps you face the overwhelming aspects of your life and all the things you could change and find a healthier lifestyle that you can maintain for the rest of your life. I coach clients to develop a personal vision and goals for their health and weight and establish a better lifestyle in just three to six months. Here are just a few of the benefits to my prospective clients:

IDENTIFYING YOUR GOALS: Helping you create your vision and your big WHY so that you can see the whole journey and the overall results you want to achieve.

UNLEASHING YOUR POTENTIAL: Partnering with you in uncovering any obstacles slowing you down from achieving your best health and creating pathways forward.

ACHIEVING YOUR BEST SELF: Generating awareness of your strengths and supporting you on your track to success and accountability toward your goals.

CO-CREATE AND DESIGN LONG–TERM RESULTS: Creating long-lasting behavior change on the path you want to achieve for your best self.

Lori Balue, A-CFHC, FDN-P, AFDNP