My Weight Loss Struggle & Journey led to my secret formula for losing 100lbs and keeping it off as a women over 50

As a kid growing up in the San Gabriel Valley of Los Angeles, CA, I loved all the processed cookies, deserts and ice cream.  I loved the frosted animal cookies the most! We had the Donut Truck driving through our neighborhood when I was a kid which was always fun. Every week and we got $5 and it was spent on candy and ice cream.  If I was the one to ride my bike to the dairy for ice cream for one of my brothers, I got an extra bowl of ice cream.  

Before I knew it I was getting chubby and reached 200lbs as well as suffering from depression.  

I became a loner, I felt ugly and looking back I wish I had known then what I know now so that young, lonely girl could have lived a happier life. My mom tried to help and baked me Atkin’s low carb bread and I was able to get my weight down to about 150.  My weight loss battle had begun.  I’d like to say I figured out how to lose weight and keep it off but weight gain became my nemesis.  

I would look into mirrors at the mall and wonder if I was gaining weight back, because I always did.  

Donuts would haunt me; frozen yogurt and ice cream were my food fix as were jelly beans.  Of course, pizza was delicious and hard to resist.  We were told to not eat fat and sugar was okay to eat.  So I would struggle with weight gain and weight loss and got up to 225lbs in my mid 30s.  One day, I walked into my living room from an outing with my son and my then husband who was sitting on the sofa said without looking at me, “When will you lose the weight?”  

My weight loss journey began in earnest. 

I researched books, lived the diets, lost the weight and gained it all back while struggling with asthma, allergies, pcos and depression & raising a family and 3 children. I tried low fat diets, low calorie diets, Nutri-System, a vegetarian diet, HCG and Paleo.  I’d lose weight and then gain it all back.  I was always exhausted. I lived with a sense of desperation.  What would I do next?  Diet’s didn’t work.

What I didn’t know at the time was that my body was reacting to food sensitivities.  

I finally found my turning point for my weight loss journey.  All the books I’d read, everything I had studied, lived and experienced led me to the Bulletproof conference, Dave Asprey and a 10-year brain cancer survivor who was a body type scientist.  He took one look at me and said not to eat fruit.  If this was the solution, so be it. 

I didn’t realize at the time how POWERFUL this would be and how it would shape the person & Practitioner I would become.

Hello Bulletproof coffee, mct oil and butter.  I went keto that very day and never looked back. As my grandmother and mom before me I baked my own low carb bread and I lost 20lbs, my vision improved and my brain turned back on.  My allergist had said I’d always be on an inhaler.  He was wrong.

I got my life back & I don’t need or use an inhaler or breathing machine anymore. 

I then dived into functional nutrition with Chris Kresser and certified as a Functional Health Coach and then Certified as a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner with Reed Davis and became an FDN Practitioner.  Through all of this I developed my own radical accountability and bulletproof mindset from my lived experience I use today with my clients for their health and weight loss results.

I FINALLY discovered I had food sensitivities to all the dairy and wheat I had been eating that had been keeping me sick and fat.  

People come to me because they are sick and tired of all the diets that don’t work.  They are exhausted, not sleeping, gaining more weight and are starting to suffer or are suffering with poor health.  Like me they’ve tried all the diets and continue to gain weight.  Now they are approaching or are over 50 and the weight loss is more stubborn and weight gain accelerating esp. around the middle and they no longer feel pretty in their bodies. 

I discovered a sustainable and delicious way to lose weight without deprivation and which does NOT REQUIRE cardio at the gym.

I am so excited to offer my Holistic Low Carb Method “Aging Beautifully & Adventurously” Signature Program to help women over 50 rebuild your health, lose their weight finally and for good and get pain free to stay active in the 2nd half of their life.  This is my secret formula for losing 100lbs which has developed from FDN, my lived experience and living life as a Health Adventure which includes 6 diagnostic labs to find hidden healing opportunities and weight loss blocks for their metabolic reset to reduce inflammation and turn off pain.  

BONUS is the reduction of disease because of the reversal of obesity.

The concept of getting healthy to lose weight has become important to me. It is now my mission, my passion and part of my Health Adventure business model.  We are led to believe that our healthcare system is going to make us healthy.  From my life long pain of living with obesity and depression,  I’ve come to believe we have sick care system. 

With my lived experience of reversing depression, obesity,  pre-diabetes, asthma, allergies and arthritis, I’ve come to believe that to be healthy we have to manage our own health with self care and reset our metabolism by lowering our hormone insulin at home from our own kitchens.  Now we can be healthy to lose weight. 

I call this process my Holistic Low Carb Method where we “flip the sugar switch off,” turn off the disease causing genes in our body & Age Beautifully and Adventurously for longevity.

Part of my drive to succeed with my health and weight is because my dad and sister died from complications of  obesity and diabetes.  My brother chose to try diet instead of insulin shots and made the powerful lifestyle changes with my holistic low carb method that changed the course of his life.  Without symptoms of diabetes, off all medications and at his goal weight he can now walk 5-10 miles a day with a smile on his face.  Personally, I plan to be dancing into my 90s.  

I have discovered my passion that has become my pain to purpose solution for helping to change the sick care system.  It’s also now my promise to other women that you too can choose health, be empowered, take back control of your life and be as beautiful and bad ass as you want to be, your way, and I will guide you there.  

I will inspire you with a Bulletproof Mindset and with Radical Accountability to never give up.  I had never given up trying to lose weight, find my solution or to feel happy and beautiful in my body.  Now I am 100 lbs down for good with permanent weight loss.  You can do this as well!  

Here’s my message to you.  Your “Health is your Wealth.”  You do not have to suffer from obesity and its complications.  You do not have to settle for disease or dying young.  Diabetes and Alzheimer’s don’t have to be your destiny.  If I can change my destiny, reduce my risk for disease, and finally find my Beautiful at 60, pain free and without medication, you can as well. I consider it my mission to serve and educate women over 50 to be empowered to choose health for natural weight loss.

Is it time you also got back to BEAUTIFUL? 

From my 1st half marathon, walking & hiking in Sedona to celebrating my 60th Birthday 100lbs down with a rim to rim Grand Canyon hike, I’ve created my life and my business around Health Adventures for Radical Health and Longevity.

It’s never too late to invest in your health.  Let’s flip your sugar switch off, turn off your disease causing genes, reset your metabolism, finally ditch the weight for good and get you “Aging Beautifully and Adventurously” for longevity.  Stay tuned for more hikes in the Grand Canyon, half marathons at natural parks, and Health Adventures using nature to energize and activate my life filled with joy and accomplishments of living life as an adventure on my terms.  Lori Balue Aging Adventurously

Now I help Women over 50 get healthy to lose weight “Aging Beautiful & Adventurous” for  transformation. 

BOOK Your FREE Health Adventure Strategy call TODAY! Discover how… (1) lose 20-50lbs (2) banish your cravings, (3) turn off brain fog and bring back your energy (4) reverse obesity to live a disease free life.